Learn how to make a cute and quick book to document a year in a child's life in classes at Scrapdoodles. Bec

ause it is simple, you can actually complete it in one afternoon. I have been making these every year for my nephew and he now loves to go back and look at the ones from when he was little. With just a few pictures and the answers to some basic questions, it provides a good summary of the year. There is a girl's version and a boy's version. These

pictures show the girl's version; the boy's

version is on display in the store.
Call the store at 540.548.3788 to sign up. The class is on February 22, 2011 at 10:30am. I look forward

to seeing you there. Not only will you complete one book but you'll have

the tools to make one every year or for other childr

en. Bring your pictures or add them later.

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